, pub-1276776142954344, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 List of major problem in Bangladesh List of major problem in Bangladesh

List of major problem in Bangladesh

1.Climate change

Surely this is the# 1 problem in Bangladesh. We may lose utmost of our lands, the saltness position is rising, the seasons are changing- each because of climate change. 
Clean water Most of the rivers in Bangladesh began in India. India formerly has two drumfires in two significant rivers-Padma and Teesta. They also have other plans as well. On the other hand, China is making a levee in Brahmaputra swash-which will basically complicate the whole situation. 

2.Population operation

Bangladesh is the most densely peopled country in the world (except for megacity- countries). It creates two problem. 1) The population is concentrated in the capital megacity, Dhaka, as the openings are each concentrated there. Hence, Dhaka has come unlivable. 2) Education system is failing the youth to prepare for a decent job, and they're getting a burden- rather than asset. 


Corruption is thriving in Bangladesh. Government controlled banks are failing. Spoiled politicians are destroying other government systems. And indeed day-to- day simple tasks frequently bear buying some functionary.

4.Inter-city transportation 

There's no real trace/ highway in Bangladesh. Dhaka-Chittagong four lane road was one of the first design of this kind, but they're way- way behind schedule. There are other analogous systems, but four lane is the loftiest the current government is planning. 

5.Intra-city transportation 

The situation is indeed worse inside the large metropolises. Average people in Dhaka waste 3 – 4 hours a day in business jam. Metro rail design may break some issues, but it'll not break the beginning problem. 

6.Politics and media

 Republic requires a lot of practice and tolerance. We aren't culturally familiar with republic and freedom of speech. Political power heist is still in our blood. And the media 1) can not speak the verity, 2) doesn't want to speak the verity, 3) frequently doesn't know how to get to the verity. At the end of the day, we've a crappy republic, and a media with casual relationship with data. 

7.Primary and High academy education

 Our education minister has single handedly destroyed the education system of the country, and the morality of a generation with it. He spectacularly failed to help oohing the public test questions, and he also composed the worst academy syllabus in a decade. 

8.University and vocational education 

As we've a huge population, we demanded to make sure our universities and vocational training centers prepare the scholars for the job request of Bangladesh. Sorely, utmost of our classes aren't vend-ready. Hence, graduates suffer to be an effective, contributing citizen. 

There are other issues as well. Worker safety- especially in garments plant, and boat yards are a huge concern. The natural gas reserve is nearly all used up, and we need to find an volition. Fighting the fundamentalist testament is another challenge. We also need to strike a balance between Indian and Chinese influence. We still don't have any form of health insurance. The list goes on and on.

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